8 thoughts on “Would You Delete Your Facebook?

  1. I have a Facebook account and my needs for it change over time. For now I am not attached to it and would not care if my profile got temporarily deactivated. I would not however, permanently deactivate it because Facebook is the only communication I have with some of my friends.

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    1. I remember when Facebook was first launched in the first few years; everything about the website was so simple from little/no advertisements to barely any games. Now, Facebook is one of the biggest platforms in social media and it’s hard to steer away from it knowing that a lot of family and friends have it. It’s way easier to keep in contact with people from a far distance.

      Great thoughts and writing skills, Anna. The only advice I have with your response is to extend it further.


  2. Yes, I do have a Facebook account. I have presently had my account for about six plus years. When asked the question “how attached are you to it?” That is a subjective question. I believe you judge yourself relative to how attached your peers and the people you interact with each day are attached. Using those standards I believe right now i’m somewhere in the middle. On a scale of 1-10 one being least attached 10 being most, I see my self as a 5 presently. I say 5 presently because I believe participation in Facebook is fluid, depending on circumstances in your life. I think people with significant others ranging from boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, or more real life responsibilities i.e. jobs, school, etc. will participate in Facebook less. Now life being fluid these same people can go from a 3 on our scale in a couple months to a 9 based on changes in their life.

    “Would you ever consider deactivating your account, why or why not?” I try to warn people when they start to use Facebook “take it with a grain of salt.” People hear about Facebook. For example an old friend of mine, about a year ago decided to create an account. Talking to him, I got the impression that this was something everybody was using and would almost give him a pass into the “in” crowd. I told him be careful, you can’t immerse yourself into it right away. You first need to see how it operates and how it can make you feel. Of course being “only” a computer program, he didn’t understand the dangers! These are the dangers, almost everybody you known at one point or another since first grade will either friend request you, or be offered to you to request them. After about two months he sent me a message saying he was stopping Facebook. The inherent problem in Facebook for people who are new or judge their own self worth, self progress by it, is this. People on Facebook are quick to show their keys to the house they bought, but they never show the foreclosure letter. They will post hundreds of pictures of the wedding, but never mention the divorce, etc. etc. So you are only getting a glimpse of a life self actualized, not their real life. In short a version of their life where the negatives don’t happen. So if you buy into peers lives being this way, you may get depressed knowing yours doesn’t compare at all.

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    1. Wow, you have brought up really important real-life situations because, although I am close with several of my friends and family, they usually post on positive events more than their struggles. I also have a relative who, when she started using Facebook, she accepted everyone’s friend requests and even met strangers. While it is nice to meet people, it can be very dangerous especially when you have no clue who that person really is. I have a Facebook account since the year it came out. I loved how simplistic it was and now it is overwhelming to me.

      With so many ideas placed into your response, it can be harder to find typos here and there. So far, there are several punctuation marks that can be included to have a smooth flow and transition to the next sentence. For instance, whenever you use “i.e.” followed by a list, include that in a set of parentheses: “… or more real life responsibilities (i.e. jobs, schools, etc) will participate…” Also, in the middle of your second paragraph, you can use a colon symbol as a way to explain something further. For example, “The inherent problem in Facebook for people who are new or judge their own self worth, self progress by it, is this. People on Facebook are quick to show their keys to the house they bought, but they never show the foreclosure letter.” can be changed to “The inherent problem in Facebook for people who are new or judge their own self-worth and self-progress by it is this: People on Facebook are quick to show their keys to the house they bought, but they never show the foreclosure letter.” Moreover, the use of dashes or hyphens (-) in that sentence makes a huge difference and they are necessary to join words in order to act as a single idea instead of two or more separate ideas. For instance, state-of-the-art versus state of the art — “state-of-the-art” reflects the latest and most sophisticated advancement in technology/art/science, while “state of the art” reflects the state (which has multiple of definitions) at which art encompasses in.


  3. I’ve had my Facebook account since 2011. In 2011 I became a freshmen in high school and Facebook was the talk of the school. So you know I had to make me one. I remember having 126 friends, then finding my school Facebook page and eventually adding every student on it. I realize what Facebook was intended for. It was meant to locate friends, or make new ones. But I would see Facebook breaking up relationships, friendship, and even families. You would think so much drama on Facebook would turn me away but I fell in love with the antics, so much so that I’ve reached the 5,000 friend limit on Facebook. Facebook had become a way of entertainment for me. However Facebook has got old to me. So far in the year of 2017 I haven’t made a status. I’ve thought on multiple occasions of deactivating my account and I know eventually I will. Furthermore I’m in a better place in life, and I realized it’s more to life than all the chaos on Facebook. Ultimately I’ve gotten the chance to watch Facebook change and also the people on it, so I’ve come to the conclusion to focus on myself.

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    1. I agree with you. I started using Facebook around the year 2004 just because I was tired of the other social websites I have an account on. At that time, barely any of my friends used it or knew nothing of it until word started spreading that it was becoming popular. I loved how simple it was; it was just a way for me to reconnect with friends and family, and share pictures and thoughts. Now, my news feed is flooded with things that do not interest me, especially advertisements. Sure it has so many functions, but it can be overwhelming.

      You have a great take on this blog entry. The only writing skill to be consistent on based on your post is your punctuations marks. After using a conjunction (e.g. so, however, therefore), a comma follows. If used in the beginning of the sentence, a comma is placed immediately after the conjunction. If used at the end of the sentence, a comma is still used and is placed before the conjunction.

      Thanks, Napolean, for your post!!


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